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3 Best Apps for Creating Great Family Portraits – 2024 Guide

We know that we spend too little time with our family because we are preoccupied with a host of work responsibilities and activities that take up most of our free time. We rarely see family, parents, siblings, grandparents. Eventually, we can all get together for a bigger holiday like Christmas or Easter, when we can at least share the festive atmosphere with them. That is why we should appreciate every moment spent with the family. And the best way to preserve all these happy moments and to preserve the memories is through photography.

A photograph can have tremendous power, years after it was taken it can bring us back to the same moment it was taken and remind us of the happiness we felt at that moment. As a movie, it will bring back the memory in our heads, so that we can even remember the wonderful scents that surrounded us at that moment. For example, the dinner with the family for Christmas and the wonderful smell of the pastries made by the grandmother. That’s why we need to capture these moments by just taking a few photos with the family. Because in this way these memorials will stay with us forever. All we have to do is open the family albums and they will be there.

But the photos we take do not always have to be staged, sometimes even the spontaneous ones know how to hide a good story behind them, which story we will be able to tell in the future when we leaf through the family album. Spontaneous photographs capture every pure emotion a person can feel, and somehow these are my favorites over any other staged image.

Today there are countless applications that can help us make the perfect photo, whether it is a selfie or a family portrait. But how do we choose the best one for us? In the continuation of this article, we will talk about this, we will list everything that an application should have in order to enable you to make the best family portrait. And we will list a few applications that according to our research have proven to be the best. You will be able to test those same applications and choose the best one according to your preferences and needs. So let’s get started.

What features should the application have to allow you to create the best portraits?

  • To make a crystal image:

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Although this primarily depends on the quality of the camera itself with which the image was taken. However, there are applications that after the photo is taken, for example, if it is taken with a phone after it is opened in the application to rearrange it, its quality is spoiled and it becomes somewhat blurry and strange.

  • Filters:

This setting allows us to change the look of the portrait to our liking. We can change the color photo from black to black and white, we can change the intensity of the colors whether we want them to be stronger or weaker, we can sharpen it for some details to come to the fore, and many other options

  • We can insert stickers or an inscription:

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This option is extra popular and is something that every application must-have. For example, if we make a portrait with the family for a birthday, with the help of the application we can insert a caption such as Happy Birthday Mom, Happy Retirement Grandpa, New Year’s greetings, etc., and we can add an appropriate sticker for each caption.

  • To improve the quality of the already existing photo:

You probably have old photos taken on your memory card on your computer or phone a few years ago. But their quality is not very great. The application should have this option. To be able to correct old photos and improve their quality.

  • Facial animation:

This allows you to make a video of the image itself where you can make the faces of the people in the photo move.

There are many applications to help you edit your favorite photo or portrait with your family. For example, if you want to have some fun and be creative, or if you want to create an unusual family portrait, click here. This is a fun tool to help you make a cartoon version of your family members. This image will surely delight them and can be a great gift idea. It is very easy to use, which even your grandparents will be able to use. In a few easy steps from a real character, you become a cartoon and your image is ready to share on social networks. I’ve taken a few pictures so far and I can tell you it’s a lot of fun, so I think you should try it too. And share the results with close family members.

We will single out a few applications for making your family portraits that we consider to be the best on the market, and they are:

1. Snapseed

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This photo editor will not only allow you to edit existing images but also offer you the opportunity to create new ones thanks to countless editing options. It is very easy and fast to use, the editing tools are clearly set up and you will learn to use it very quickly. It is compatible with using a mobile phone that runs on both Android and iOS operating systems.

2. Prism

If you are an artist and you want to get the best out of a photo then this is exactly the app that has been created for you. Apart from the basic editing tools that every other application has, this one differs in that a simple family portrait can be turned into art. There are about a hundred or more filters that you can implement on existing photos.

3. LiveCollage

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This editor is phenomenal for creating collages of family portraits. Offers the opportunity to choose the ideal background, choose a creative font, countless colors, various styles of layouts, and much more. All you need to do is collect photos from the gathering with your family and create an inspirational collage that you can share with your friends.

No matter which app you choose to create the best photo with your family, whether it is creating a cartoon version of you or a collage of New Year’s party spent together, know that you will have a picture as proof that you will remember, and in the future, it will bring you back to the moments of happiness spent with the family.

About Maki Dalin

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