Source: Technicalib

5 Advantages of Technology for Modern Life

In this day and age, the average person cannot live without most of the modern technology we use on a daily basis. We are dependent on some technological advances so much, if they were to suddenly disappear, we wouldn’t know what to do. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. Sure, we might depend on it too much, but we depend on a lot of things in life. We depend on the sun, on the planet’s core, its atmosphere, on clean water, food, and many other more natural things. If we depend so much on other stuff, why shouldn’t humanity aim to fully use the technological advancements it has made?

Modern technology solves a lot of problems that we face on a daily basis. It gives work to the jobless, it helps doctors save lives, it makes people’s lives more practical and provides us with entertainment. What’s not to love about it?

The 21st century is considered to be the most advanced era of human life and there’s a good reason why people think that. We managed to replace huge computers that took up entire rooms to a single handheld device that can fit into a pocket. Vehicles have become more efficient because of artificial intelligence and better automation during manufacturing. There are tons of other technologies out there that improve our modern life, but which ones are the most important?

1. Information with the press of a button

Source: ShowMe™ South Africa

If you were to ask scientists about what is the most important discovery or creation of the 21st century, all of them would answer with the internet. This global system of computer networks changed how the entire world works. What once was unimaginable became the standard in our modern lives.

Getting a certain piece of information before the internet became a standard in everyone’s homes, the only way you could obtain information was through libraries and encyclopedias. Today, all you have to do is take out your phone, type the information you want to find and you will obtain it in a matter of seconds.

You can use it to find out about the latest news, find information about your college research paper, look for jobs and submit a job application, look for food recipes and almost anything your mind can come up with. You won’t have to get out of the comfort of your home if you want to read a new book. All you have to do is get online and download it. And if you prefer paper books instead of digital books, you can just order it and it will come to your doorstep in a day or two.

It is truly amazing just how much the internet changed our lives.

2. It can save you time


Having these powerful handheld devices or more commonly known as smartphones in our pockets helps us save huge amounts of time. For example, you are traveling to an unknown city or country and you need to navigate to a certain destination. Pulling out a paper map every time you need to take a turn is impossible, so you end up going the wrong direction multiple times. Thanks to smartphones and their access to the internet and GPS, you can easily navigate yourself to the final destination. With one press of a button, the map application will plan you the fastest route.

Another great example of saving time is access to calculators, text documents, sheet documents, PowerPoint presentations, flowcharts and so on. Businesses and education centers can use this type of documents and files to provide employees or students with important information. Many people love to use flowcharts and diagrams to explain a certain process or workflow. You can see here about tools that provide you with the ability to create such flowcharts.

With such easy access to information, we are constantly saving several seconds which accumulate to hours or maybe even days after a certain period of time.

3. Faster and safer transport


Of course, cars, trains or planes were not invented in the 21st century, but we are constantly making more and more technological advancements in these fields.

Cars are constantly becoming faster, but also much safer in terms of crashing and collision avoidance. Some more expensive models come with road lane tracking, collision warning, pedestrian warning and many other features that helps the driver avoid traffic accidents. The car manufacturing company Tesla even has its own autopilot that can drive you from point A to point B without ever pressing the brake or acceleration pedal.

Just five or six years ago, the idea of an autopilot in a car was unimaginable and Tesla made it possible. Naturally, every other vehicle manufacturer is following in their steps which means that autopilots will become much more prominent in a few years.

4. Better communication

Source: The Conversation

Just 20 years ago, a mobile phone was a rarity. You would have to be rich or at least in the upper class if you wanted to afford a device that would be able to call anyone from anywhere.

The first commercially available cellphone was in 1973 by Motorola. During the 80s and the 90s, we didn’t see a lot of development in this aspect, but the 2000s were a different story. In the 2000s we saw a complete change in the cellphone industry. The devices got a lot smaller and much lighter. With the reduction in size and weight, they also became a lot more affordable and easier to make. Suddenly, everyone started buying them. Fast forward to 2007, Apple released the first “true” smartphone, the iPhone.

After this breakthrough, Android started releasing their own smart devices. The constant competition between Apple, Samsung, Nokia, and every other Android device is what led us to today’s phones.

5. Less pollution, more cost-efficiency

Source: Frontiers

Unfortunately, during the 20th century, people had no idea how much we are damaging the planet Earth. The constant pollution from planes, factories, trains, tankers, and cars is what leads us to a damaged atmosphere and polluted ocean that could lead to our extinction.

However, in the 21st century, we started becoming more aware of our actions and the ways we can start saving Earth. We are becoming much more efficient when it comes to using materials and fossil fuels, the levels of pollution coming out of factories is also reduced by a lot and it is filtered too. As time goes by, humans are reducing the levels of pollution and increases their cost-efficiency.

About Lola Mays

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