Calvin Wellborn

Data Breaches in 2019 and What We Can Learn From Them

This is one of the essential things that is taught to us since childhood. Learning from mistakes, be it your mistakes or others’ mistakes. Each mistake that you commit or see must be followed by a lesson that can be carried forward and kept in mind for the future. 2019 …

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Ways Startups Can Compete With Existing Businesses Through Crypto

The crypto market is currently taking the world by storm. Cryptos are a form of digital currency that are currently going mainstream as people start to understand what they are all about. Cryptos offer numerous benefits. For instance, they are versatile, decentralized, can be used by anyone, and they offer …

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5 Tips to Increase Traffic to your Online Store

One of the most commonly asked questions by new online business store owners is how do you drive traffic to your online store. It is not as simple as opening up a website and all of a sudden you start getting sales. We all could wish that it goes that …

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The Importance of Mobile Messaging for Enterprises

In the words of billionaire business magnate Richard Branson, communication is the most important skill any leader can possess. And that applies to business leaders too. Team leaders must stay in constant contact with each other to ensure that all achieve the business’s goals. Likewise, customer representatives have to consistently …

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13 Ways to Optimize Your Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process is the foundation of any product you plan to sell, so everything about your process must be as efficient as possible. This includes everything from deciding what order to follow to assemble the parts and which tools to use during production. If you want your manufacturing process …

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The History Of DNA Sequencing and Its Importance In Life Forms

DNA sequencing has helped develop various sectors of the economy and mainly in the health sector. DNA sequencing has helped scientists understand the causes of related genetic disorders and how to cure them. DNA sequencing has also helped scientists understand the evolution of different animal species. What about developing GMOs? …

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4 Ways Modern Technology Is Boosting Our Intelligence

We live in a time of smartphones, smart gadgets, and devices. Our home is full of smart tools that we use every day. Advanced technology plays a major role in our daily lives. And even the youngest children can see how they handle smart devices with ease. Every advancement in …

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How To Get Low Cost Internet Assistance

From communicating with friends and family to taking classes or working online, the internet is usually a necessity for most homes instead of a necessity. However, the cost associated with internet services can be quite expensive unless you get a basic package. Keep in mind that a basic package might …

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Tips To Speed Up Your Internet

When you sign up with an internet provider, you expect to get the internet speeds that you pay for instead of those that are much slower. As stated by, Keep in mind that some situations could lower your overall speed at times, but it shouldn’t be a prolonged decrease. …

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US Broadband Bill Finally Treat Internet Service Like an Essential Service

Over the past several years, broadband has taken a backseat to other essential services that you might have in your home. During the COVID pandemic, many people saw that broadband is an essential service for working, taking classes, and communicating with family, friends, and healthcare providers. President Biden has recently …

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