
How To Automate Your Keyword Research Strategy – 2024 Guide

SEO optimization can be a tricky task, especially if you are not entirely familiar with it. Generally speaking, there are numerous things you have to consider and strategies to implement. Still, SEO is an essential aspect of your website since it can boost its visibility and increase organic traffic.

In this article, we will focus on keywords. We will give you some tips on how to determine the exact terms you should include in your texts to boost SEO. Also, we will tell you how you can speed up this entire process.

What is a keyword search, and why it matters?

In a nutshell, this search is the process of finding all the terms that may be relevant to your company. Basically, these are the words people type in their search engines when looking for something. However, this process also includes analyzing and sorting these terms into categories according to their significance, that is, how frequently they are used.

Because this technology is constantly developing and the search engine’s algorithm change often, some people might argue that these keywords are no longer very significant. Nevertheless, this isn’t entirely true. As long as people are using this method when looking for products and services, these keywords will enable you to boost organic traffic, and therefore, reach more potential clients.

How to conduct this search?

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Now that we have provided you with some essential details regarding this process and explained why it still deserves your full attention, here is a simple step-by-step guide you should follow.

1. Who is your audience?

Before you even begin with this process, you have to understand your target audience completely. This will enable you to comprehend how they conduct a search and what the intent behind it is. Knowing your target market will be of vital help when coming up with a marketing strategy, and at the same time, it will enable you to choose these keywords easily.

2. Relevant topics

Once you have determined your target market, you should start brainstorming topics connected with your company. In order to choose these, you can start writing down your merchandise or services, how people can use them, what their purpose is, what benefits customers can gain, etc. Yes, you may come up with a vast number of topics, but you should narrow them to a few. Remember that these aren’t your keywords, but instead, observe them as a ground base.

3. Narrow it down

Many people choose to use keyword search tools that provide them with numerous terms currently most frequently used. Yes, you can use these as well, but keep in mind that these can be too generic, meaning that they won’t do much for your SEO. Instead, you should look for niche keywords, i.e., those that are specific to your business. No, these won’t pose any limitations because good terms can cover broad topics. In order to determine these, go back to the topics you wrote down and think about the words customers are more likely to use. Once you do this, you should use an SEO tool to see the volume of these and also get some similar recommendations.

4. Think about the long-tail keywords

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In order to demonstrate how important these are, we will just tell you that they make around 70% of all searches. These terms include more than three words, which enables people to widen their inquiries and cover more topics. The truth is the people will begin their search with how-to questions and long phrases before they focus on specific terms. It is why you should also include these in your keyword research strategy.

5. Take advantage of blogs and forums

Lastly, these pages are a great source of information. Here, you will learn what people are interested in, what kind of details they need, what kind of questions they ask. These will enable you to get familiar with your audience further, and you will also understand the exact terms they use. Then, you can start building your content around them.

6. Test these words

You probably have a ton of possible keywords by now. Well, it is time to test them and see how effective they are. Consider whether a particular keyword is relevant to your website’s content. Will it immediately provide your customer with the information they need? Next, you should test them by conducting a search using them. Basically, you will see the same thing as your potential customers, so it will be fairly easy to determine how effective that term is.

How to automate this process?

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Up until now, we have discussed several steps you should take when creating this strategy on your own. Nevertheless, there is another option you can use to speed up this entire process and save some precious time.

First of all, you can automate the entire process of analyzing website content with the help of an SEO scarper. Why would you go through thousands of posts and articles relevant to your industry manually when this program can pull out all the data on its own? If you want to take this one step further, you should also implement SEO API.

In a nutshell, this is an interface that ensures communication between different pieces of software. In order to understand how to choose the best one, for more details, visit

In addition, SEO API is a tool that can do so much more than simply automating your keyword research strategy. For example, it can help you determine the location of your customers. When it comes to SEO optimization, you may have to focus on it locally or even globally. In order to make the right decision, you have to know where your customers are. This is when this tool comes in handy.

Similarly, you have to obtain demographics data. You cannot use the same keywords if you want to engage Millenials and 50 year-olds. This tool enables you to understand which group makes the majority of your website’s visitors, meaning that you can easily adjust the content.

Finally, it is also beneficial if you know how the visitors access your website. Naturally, today, most people use their smartphones simply because it enables them to do a search at any time. If your page is already mobile-friendly, but still, according to data, most people use their laptops and computers, there may be some issues with the page’s mobile responsiveness. It goes without saying that you should fix these as soon as possible to boost organic traffic.

About Shawna White

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