
The Impact of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency on Developing Countries   

Cryptocurrency and blockchain have the potential to alter our lives in the same way that mobile phones and the internet have. Initially, mobile phones were supposed to be used solely to bridge the physical divide between people by allowing them to converse over thousands of kilometers. However, as technology advanced, it changed not only how people communicated but also every area of human life, from banking to browsing.

Many rules in both developing and established countries, however, have not kept up with digital improvements and continue to need paper-based documentation, prohibiting participants from fully utilizing the technology, they said. Despite the fact that blockchain and crypto have been around for a decade, their technology is continually improving and being tested.

Cryptocurrency is still evolving, but it has already evolved into a form that can help underdeveloped countries progress economically and politically.

Cryptocurrency helps developing countries by decreasing corruption and increasing transparency, as well as lowering transaction costs and speeding up financial inclusion and microfinance.

Reduction in Corruption


Cryptocurrency helps underdeveloped countries by providing a novel and crucial means of combating corruption. Government programs may now keep track of how money is spent and who is spending it. Authorized spenders of this money are also given restricted times for access and are only allowed to use the monies for the objectives indicated.

Through its tracking tools and data processing, cryptocurrency also fosters openness. The data contained in the blockchain program is spread among multiple computers, reducing the chance of data loss. Cryptocurrency encryption provides improved data protection, yet transaction trackability makes all transactions publicly transparent and searchable. There is no such thing as an anonymous or ambiguous user, and because every transaction is tracked, corruption can be avoided.

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Access to the Global Market

Cryptocurrencies help businesses obtain access to the global market significantly while they are expanding. As a result, even if the enterprises do not have a bank account with an international identification number, their clients can pay them in cryptocurrencies from other countries. A website developer in an emerging country, for example, can earn money by being recruited by customers from other countries.

Reduction in Transaction Costs


Because money transactions are now quite expensive, lowering transaction costs could increase the viability of microcredits. The elimination of these costs would vastly increase the number of international financing options available. Cryptocurrencies let people in more affluent countries send small sums of money to people in developing countries.

Because transaction costs are almost as humongous as the payment itself, borrowing and repaying microfinance transactions have become prohibitively expensive. Such loans may become more widespread if transaction costs are considerably reduced, if not eliminated entirely.

Cryptocurrencies have a lot of potential for remittance payments. Because just a small percentage of each transaction is withheld for banking and conversion fees, microcredits will benefit from the lower transaction costs associated with cryptocurrencies.

Banks and cryptocurrency are in a battle of sorts because cryptocurrency provides something that banks do not: the ability to avoid paying higher transaction costs. Because bitcoin does not require costly private infrastructure to operate, fees and costs associated with bank accounts and mobile banking transactions are reduced.

Better Banking System

More than a third of the world’s population lacks access to fundamental banking services that could assist them in the event of a personal financial emergency, such as loans, checking accounts, and so on. These folks, who are usually already financially disadvantaged, are more likely to use dubious and risky loan tactics. The interest rate charged by these activities is far from fair, resulting in increased instability among those who applied for the loan. Cryptocurrencies, with their extreme volatility and ease of usage, are ideal for this.

Many apps and tools are now available that make it easier to utilize cryptocurrencies and bring them closer to a broader audience. Another advantage of cryptocurrencies is that it is totally decentralized, allowing for cross-border commerce. Technology will enable a financial revolution in which everyone will be more financially connected, empowered, and enabled.

Financial Inclusion


According to Solus B – Blockchain Marketing Agency, cryptocurrency does not require a physical infrastructure because it is software-based and accessible via the internet. The infrastructure of bitcoin is beneficial to poor nations because it allows for increased financial inclusion, which is a crucial factor in poverty alleviation.

The lack of media freedom is one of the impediments to financial services access. Due to a lack of media freedom, the places where accounts can be opened are limited, greater minimum balances are required to start accounts, more paperwork is required to open accounts, and loan applications take longer to process.

Other impediments to access include a lack of physical infrastructure and hefty banking costs, particularly for mobile banking, which is sometimes the only choice for people who live far away from banks. Cryptocurrency, on the other hand, suggests a solution to overcome these obstacles.

A software wallet is used to access bitcoin, which does not require a bank account. Those who are unable to access banking infrastructure or credit can now use cryptocurrency to meet their financial needs. Due to a lack of banking access, this helps to alleviate the problem of needing to carry and preserve cash.


The world is evolving at a breakneck pace. The rapid adoption of cryptocurrencies is a clear indication that traditional financial institutions are no longer able to hold the fort and that new financial requirements are arising that must be met. Similarly, the world is increasingly in need of breaking down boundaries in order to achieve full social and financial inclusion – and blockchain technology has everything it takes to handle such issues. Read more on Solus T – Telegram Marketing for Crypto.

It will only be a matter of time before these cryptocurrencies firmly establish themselves in our lives, transforming them for the better in the interests of economic growth and inclusion. Thanks to the wonderful possibilities that cryptocurrencies bring to the table, millions of individuals will now be able to invest, send money across borders, save money, and establish a business.

About Lola Mays

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