People (and not just teenagers) spend a lot of time playacting computer games, and it is a reality that lifts up the disputed point of movement this recreation into something more productive than simple distraction and the release of negative emotions.
For example, you can set a goal and become a cyber athlete in the popular game CS:GO. By the way, to improve the game, buy skins, opening cases we recommend hotpizza.
Allocate your time. Set a clear time frame for sleep, study, individual and team training, rest and family. Not only will this help you approach the process properly, but it will also discipline you.
Don’t be shy about showing your game. Apply to top team academies and read tips from top players.

The benefits of computer games
- The obvious benefit of computer games for younger students – for them, developed a lot of educational games that will help deepen their knowledge in a particular area, learn to act in different situations, contribute to the formation of perseverance, concentration, attention.
- With computer games can unobtrusively teach your child foreign languages, sharpen his knowledge of a particular subject, to develop the “lame” qualities and abilities. Of course, the computer does not have to be the only source of development – are still relevant books, educational board games, designers, puzzles.
- Acquired during the game skills and the ability to quickly make a decision when the screen is not what the child expected, will help in more complex tasks and situations.
- That’s why the direct responsibility of adults – do not forbid a child to communicate with the computer. It is better to choose for him the best options for computer games, make a plan for his classes, allow him to play “harmful” shooters a certain amount of time, encourage your child to relax not only in the virtual world, but also in the real world.
- Great benefit from computer games and for adults. This is a good way to relax after a hard day’s work, distract yourself from the daily grind, “wiggle brains. As in the case of children, from the type of game and the time it is given. From 1-2 hours a day spent in the computer world, nothing bad can happen.
- According to experts, games create a “playground” for practicing some personal skills, set the platform for the imagination, learn to program, help organize a community, to connect people with each other.
Improved Vision
As surprising as it may sound, scientists have been able to prove that people who play have much better eyesight. In addition, people who play are able to follow five objects at the same time. By the way, a normal person can only follow three objects at the same time. The speed of visual information processing also improved.

Developing a taste for style in girls
There is a lot of online games of makeup and hairdressing in the catalogs. Girls can meet their favorite dolls, fairy tale heroines, cartoon characters, celebrities and ordinary girls. Large selection of clothes, hairstyles and makeup, allows a lot of experimentation. Girls will learn to create beautiful images, and most importantly, mom’s clothes and makeup will remain intact.
Improving Memory
Memory games are great for improving memory. They can have different game mechanics, but the main task is to repeat what you see or hear. A wide variety of these games will allow you to give your child a new task each time.

Improving creative skills
Various coloring books, music games, and alterations help to do this. The baby can color a beautiful picture, and if he makes a mistake with the colors, you can always apply a new color without problems. Musical games, in which you have to repeat a tune, allow you to develop a musical ear. Some can even create their own music. Remodeling games will offer the player to decorate something to his liking or, for example, to create the interior of a room.
Learning games
There are a number of games designed to teach anything. They are designed specifically for young children and effectively help in the study of the alphabet and numbers, learn to read and count, learn foreign languages. They are in a fun, interesting and simple way to present knowledge and have a good time. Thanks to them you can prepare your child for school.
You have probably noticed more than once that work allows you to forget about pain for a while. A person concentrates on the process he is doing and forgets about all extraneous things. Computer games immerse the child in the gameplay, thus allowing him or her to forget about the pain.

About the disadvantages of computer games
The main drawback is the addiction that computer games (mainly online games) can cause. You can’t get rid of it on your own, it’s best to seek help from a specialist.
A person who is addicted to the game, all his time playing and only occasionally, can be weaned from the computer. Such people begin to have problems with appetite, sleep, mental disorders. The worst thing is that at first the addiction is almost imperceptible, but the further you go, the worse it gets.
Children and teenagers are especially vulnerable to addiction. Their not fully formed psyche is easily influenced by games. Children’s perception of time slows down and it seems to them that only a few minutes have passed, while several hours have already flown by.
Do not forget about the impact of computer games and adults. Today gaming addiction is on a par with alcoholism and drug abuse. More and more often the reason for the collapse of young families becomes a game addiction. After all, no one wants to live with a person who constantly sits behind a computer. In addition, over time, addicted people become more aggressive, distracted. They lose their family and jobs, which leads to deep depression.
As a rule, most computer online games require the investment of real money. Which are later converted into virtual currency and spent on the development of a virtual character. Thus, the family budget begins to lose money, and over time, the amount of investment will only increase.