Crypto critics frequently point to Bitcoin mining’s negative impact on the environment as a major source of concern, so why is mining so energy-intensive? And, first and foremost, what is Bitcoin mining?
Simply stated, Bitcoin mining refers to the process of making new Bitcoins. But it’s more than that: Bitcoin mining is essential to the cryptocurrency’s functioning.
Bitcoin’s price dropped after Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla, said Bitcoin mining uses a great deal of energy and is bad for the planet in a recent tweet.
Bitcoins are exchanged nonstop on crypto exchanges 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Activists and others have expressed concern about the negative impact of Bitcoin mining in the country and the use of fossil fuels by the cryptocurrency. You can also try trading in crude oil. For more information, visit
How Are Bitcoin Transactions Tracked?

Bitcoin is a digital currency, which means it is not governed by a central authority. Every server in the Bitcoin system has a complete list of Bitcoin exchanges called the blockchain, which helps to avoid theft and fraud.
When one person sends Bitcoin to the other, most of the network’s devices must validate the transaction. This stops people from spending money they don’t have or making many copies of coins they do have and spending them.
The crypto sphere is heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Cryptocurrency mining frequently employs fossil-fuel-derived energy. As the worth of Bitcoin rises, so does the total energy used by miners to generate coins, tempting more people to join the Bitcoin network. Every 10 minutes, transactions are uploaded to the blockchain in sets, called blocks.
The first computer connected to find a unique key – the solution to a mathematical question – adds a block to the blockchain. A fixed sum of Bitcoin is awarded to the first machine to verify the operation and find the key (for example, the reward was 6.25 BTC in 2024).
This hash is a 64-digit hexadecimal value (or “hash”) derived by a method that is less than or equivalent to the targeted hash, and it is used to build the most latest block put to the blockchain. As a result, each new block validates all hash of the previous block, forming the blockchain.
If Bitcoin had been a country, it would be among the top 30 in the world when it comes to energy use. As per Digiconomist’s Bitcoin Energy Usage Index, that’s nearly enough energy to power countries having populations in the tens of millions and an environmental cost of 34 megatons of carbon dioxide emissions or even more.
Of course, Bitcoin isn’t the only cryptocurrency with a serious environmental footprint, but its high profile and slow transaction approval mechanism make it an easy target. However, the blockchain technology that underpins it could be the key to a more environmentally friendly future.
The Odds Are In Your Favor If You Keep Mining

Since the numerical problem can only be fixed through trial and error (and the chances of getting it right on the first try are one in a trillion), devices must run continuously to get the best chance to find the key, validating the most recent transaction block, and receiving the most recent batch of Bitcoin.
The term “mining” refers to the complete process of logging trades and solving maths problems.
Mining demands a lot of electricity since it is done with powerful computers that can generate thousands, millions, or even billions of hashes each second.
As the worth of Bitcoin climbs, more people are becoming interested in becoming miners. Miners need more and more energy as the effort of solving each crypto problem increases with the system (among other reasons).
The Bitcoin network currently consumes around 116 terawatt-hours annually or 116 trillion watts. That’s around 0.5 per cent of global electricity usage, which is more than many countries consume.
Bitcoin supporters claim that most of the energy it uses is renewable. However, according to the Cambridge Center of Alternative Finance, only roughly 39% of cryptocurrency mining is fueled by renewable energy sources since about September 2024.
Countless businesses have popped up to meet this need, all seeking to find new ways to inject more environmentally friendly energy into Bitcoin. Take, for example, Hong Kong-based LiquidStack, which tries to lower the heat of mining rigs very effectively, or Genesis Mining in Iceland, which only uses renewable sources of energy.
These ideas, on the other hand, ignore the fact that, even though all of the energy used in the Bitcoin industrial centre were green, the proof-of-work validation method used on a large scale is innately wasteful.
The solution to Bitcoin’s near-continent-sized energy usage issue does not entail a return to centralized systems such as Visa’s network—after all, the central promise of Cryptocurrency is the removal of intermediates like the card issuers and their focused control over finance. Bitcoin supporters, on the other hand, have several options.
The Impact of China’s Crackdown on Mining

China has gradually begun to crack down on Mining bitcoin and trade, claiming the cryptocurrency’s negative impact on the environment as one of the main reasons. As per CNBC, this is the start of what some are called “the big mining exodus.”
Miners are considering relocating to Kazakhstan, where renewables only made up 1.4 per cent of the energy mix in 2018.
As the top energy-producing state in the United States, Texas is also a prominent potential relocation place for miners. Even though it is currently a major wind power provider, crude oil and natural gas continue to provide the most of its low-cost energy.
The Bottom Line
Cryptocurrency supporters argue that mining’s energy use isn’t as awful as the environmental impact of global cloud services and electronic payments. Global data centres consume a substantial amount of energy, accounting for around 200 terawatt-hours, or 0.8 per cent of total global electricity consumption.
Crypto critics, on the other hand, point to the fact that Bitcoin is only used by a small proportion of the world’s population, compared to the comparatively broad use of other internet platforms.