
Most Popular Java Versions and Trends

Java used to be and still remains to this day as one of the best programming languages. Since the first Java Development Kit 1.0, the Java language has gone through several changes and many additions of packages and classes to its standard library. And today, we are waiting for the newest and latest version, which will be Java 18. It is an incredible journey, and it seems like the only way is up.

But which is the most popular Java version 2024 among the developing community? Is there a Java version that still remains popular after years of usage? You can check at Adeva, and that is also what we will find out here. So let’s get into it and see which is the most used Java version 2024.

Java 8

According to several media study companies and the studies that they made, Java 8 remains without a doubt still the most used and most popular Java version, since 75% of the respondents said that they still use Java 8.

This version was released back on March 14, 2014. Some of the reasons it is still popular are that it has public updates, and more importantly, it is a step ahead because it has long-term support. Also, these public updates are available for private and commercial use.

And don’t think that Java 8 is coming to an end. Quite the contrary, it was announced that this version would have extended support until December 2030, which is excellent news for many tech lovers and users.

Java 11


This version has been relatively new since it was released back in 2018. It comes second as the most popular version because 32% of the respondents chose this version as their favourite development kit. Java 11 is used today, and it will continue to be one of the most popular development kits.

This version is also long-term support, and it was the second after Java 8 since its release to be announced as the major version to provide LTS. Java announced that it would have free public updates until September 2026 for Azul and at least until September 2027 for Amazon Corretto. Also, Java 11 will have free public updates until October 2024 or beyond for AdoptOpenJDK and for Microsoft. It is also important to mention that there will be long-term support until September 2026 and for Azul even until September 2028.

Java 17 and 18

It is fair to have these as notable mentions because these are the latest versions of the Java development kit. As always, Java continues to improve all the time and provide us with new versions.

Java 17 will definitely be important since it is the next long-term support development kit. It is set for release this September if everything goes according to plan, and it will have free public updates until September 2029 for Azul and at least September 2027 for Microsoft. The extended support is set for all users until September 2029 or even beyond and until September 2031 for Azul Platform Prime.

Last but not least is the Java 18 version, which is now under development, and if the ongoing six months release cycles continue, it will probably be released in March 2024. Nothing else is yet known, except that its highlights have Early-Access Builds: Build 2 from June 17, 2024.

Most Popular Java Trends In 2024


It is also valuable to see which are the latest java technologies in demand 2024 and the most popular Java trends today. It is important to be up to date if you are a developer, and here we will see the most needed Java trends today. Let’s get into it:

Big Data

We all generate an enormous amount of data every day, mainly because the information and computer power grow constantly. These massive data streams need to be stored and processed. That is why you need big data, which will provide you with the benefit of having better insights. Java is popular also as a big data provider since it has various tools like Apache Hadoop, Apache Mahout, etc.

Artificial Intelligence App Development

Java is much needed and wanted by tech experts for the development of AI-driven apps. This is the case because of its portability, low maintenance, and transparency. This type of development with Java and this trend is expected to grow more over the years, as everything with Java only becomes better and better.



Spring is used for various operations, from online shopping to streaming platforms. But, more importantly, it is a framework that can build an organization’s app in Java since it can include complex data processing systems, cloud apps, microservices, fast and safe web applications.

Spring is the most widely used Java framework in the world, and it is used practically everywhere. It is intended for use in the development of backends for Java applications running on the Java Enterprise Edition platform.

On the basis of a concept known as dependency injection, the framework was created (a part of inversion of control). It is the ideal choice for developing Java-based business applications, such as microservices, complicated data processing systems, cloud apps, or fast, secure, and responsive web applications, among other things.

Serverless architecture

The shift to serverless architecture, a cloud service model in which the developer is entirely responsible for coding and not for infrastructure. The term serverless architecture is deceptive, as it implies the absence of servers. Naturally, the solution is a server-based one.

In this situation, the programmer who uses a serverless architecture is relieved of the responsibility of configuring machines, updating operating systems, setting the network, and scaling the application. These responsibilities are performed by the provider of serverless services, such as Amazon, Microsoft, or Google. Each of the major public cloud providers offers what are referred to as serverless services.



Don’t fall behind and stay updated with the most popular Java trends in 2024, and also, as important is to know which are the most used Java versions to this day.

Java is going to get better and better, and these are the most popular Java development kits from the past that are still used and the new generation of versions that are coming out soon. Java is always ready for further improvements, so be prepared to use them.

About Lola Mays

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