Testing is more vital than development in the application development lifecycle and must not be neglected because a broken application with many features might cost money and lose a user base. Regression testing is one of the numerous types of testing that a QA team performs before the application is …
Read More »Triple Cs of Logging: Collect, Customize, and Centralize Your Logs
The sprawling landscape of cyber threats and the growing regulatory and statutory requirements has seen many businesses scrambling to find better ways of system logging. Whether it’s routine security monitoring or a need to investigate a problem, logs provide valuable information that indicates the severity of the issue and insights as to what could …
Read More »Crafting a Data-Centric Ethos: Nurturing the Seeds of Success in Your Organization
In the intricate dance of commerce, data waltzes into the spotlight as the linchpin of triumph. Cultivating a data-centric ethos can unlock the hidden potential lurking within your organization, opening doors to innovation, collaboration, and enhanced decision-making. But where to begin? In this exposition, we shall meander through seven pivotal …
Read More »10 Things You Didn’t Know About Bitcoin
Bitcoin has come a long way since its inception and several ups and downs in value, but one thing that has never declined is its popularity. This cryptocurrency is the first of this type ever created. BTC history starts almost 11 years ago, on January 3, in 2009. From that …
Read More »How High Can Bitcoin’s Price Go in 2024?
Bitcoin is an existing and trending cryptocurrency across the globe. In many previous years, it has been observed that its price keeps fluctuating and is still happening. Many investors who hold coins have become millionaires. The market value of this digital currency is increasing rapidly, and it is expected to …
Read More »Traits of a Successful Trader
As with any profession, becoming successful requires more than just a pure desire to thrive. One does not only need to be educated about the subject but also has to possess a certain set of skills and traits. Clearly, these differ from one profession to another, but in the following …
Read More »Why Do You Need C++ for Your Mobile App Development
There is a lot of programming languages for mobile app development around. Such include objective-C, Java, Pascal, C#, among others. You also have the C++, a brainchild of Bjarne Strousp, who developed the program more than 30 years ago as a PHD Project. We will look at why you would …
Read More »How Flue Heat Exchanger Works
These days the electricity bills for your home can be pretty expensive and those same bills can be especially expensive if you have a factory that uses a lot of energy to achieve a certain goal or to get a product. While electricity bills are getting worse and worse for …
Read More »Where Plate Heat Exchangers are used?
One of the best ways to save some money and show that you care for the environment nowadays is by installing a heat exchanger at your workplace. If you are not quite sure what heat exchangers are, and how are they able to provide a benefit for your business, feel …
Read More »What Are the Best Ways to Download Facebook Videos
Facebook is one of the world-leading social media networks, and each day there is a ton of different content shared by people. Using Facebook is pretty straight-forward, and there really isn’t anything complicated when it comes to navigating through the interface. However, when it comes to downloading Facebook videos, things …
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