6 Tips and Tricks for Passing Your 350-401 Exam

With the continuous development of technology, every company around the world needs an IT specialist to help them stay at the top of the latest trends, boost their security, and increase their overall performance. It is why the IT industry is continuously developing, and there is actually a shortage of experts who can successfully complete any task.

If you are currently developing your career in IT, then you know how difficult it can be to obtain a Cisco badge. Yes, having one of these is going to open a whole new of professional opportunities for you, but not every person manages to do this. In the following text, we will focus on the 350-401 exam and tell you everything you need to know.

Source: Entrepreneur Podcast Network

What is the 350-401 exam, and who should take it?

Upon passing this exam, a candidate will possess the skills of troubleshooting, configuring, and managing wireless and enterprise wired networks. It is why this exam tests one’s ability in infrastructure, virtualization, architecture, automation, network assurance, and security.

The exam consists of 90 to 110 questions of multiple types. These will cover the previously mentioned topics, and candidates have 120 minutes to complete them. You must score between 750 and 850 to pass.

When it comes to candidates who are eligible for this exam, they need to possess the relevant knowledge and experience working on Cisco networks. It is why it is recommended that candidates have some working experience. This isn’t a traditional requirement, but it will be easy for them to prep and pass the exam if they are already familiar with the basics. This certification is recommended for System Engineers and Integrators, Cisco Channel Partners, and Network Consultants. Nevertheless, if you don’t have this knowledge, you will first need to acquire all the skills that are tested on the CCNA certification.

How to prepare for it?

Now, let us give you some practical tips on how to study for this test. Keep in mind that not everyone manages to pass it, meaning that you will have to invest a lot of time and effort. It will basically consume your life for quite some time. Yes, we understand how scary this may seem, which is why you should implement the following tricks.

Source: Certwizard

Focus on the topics

The very first thing you have to do is find the complete list of topics covered on this exam. Finding this syllabus is fairly easy. All you have to do is type in the name of the exam, and you will be presented with numerous results. Naturally, you should only explore the Cisco official page and other trusted sources.

Each of the topics is marked by percentage, so you will be able to understand which of them deserve more time and focus. It goes without saying that you should go over all of them.

Organize your schedule

The key to passing this test is organization. We know that we have probably traumatized you a bit, but if you make sure to have enough time to dedicate yourself to this task and plan out every study session, you will be good. So, make sure to investigate when the date of the exam is. Therefore, this is the first thing you have to learn.

Furthermore, think about your everyday life, and find a few hours a day to focus on study. Yes, this can be a challenge if you have a full-time job and a large family, but it is something you have to do. Even two hours per day will be enough. Nevertheless, keep in mind that you need to be able to focus completely. That means no interruptions and no distractions. Make a schedule and stick to it no matter the temptation.

Source: Medium

Gather the materials

Naturally, the next thing you have to do is to gather all the study material. Firstly, get the official Cisco book on the 301-450 exam. Don’t fool yourself that it will be enough to read it only once. Yes, this book will provide you with all the necessary information, but at the same time, it will pose numerous questions you will have to answer. In addition, it may also be a good idea to write down short notes after going over each chapter. Some people don’t like this method, but it can be quite beneficial. Not only will you be able to see how much you have actually learned, but these notes will be an excellent tool for the final revision.

Practice tests

These can prove to be quite useful tools during this process, and the best part is that you can find an abundance of them online. There are multiple practice tests released by Cisco, but you should also explore 350-401 encor dumps on the Spoto website. If you believe that you already possess a lot of knowledge and want to find your weaknesses, you should do a couple of these before you start formally preparing, just to see where you stand.

On the other hand, you can use these to test your skills during the entire process of prepping. This way, you will be able to understand whether you have to go over certain topics once again. Finally, you should also complete these before the exam and use them as a final revising tool.

Source: Medium

Online courses

If it seems to you that you cannot study for this exam on your own, or simply that you won’t be very efficient on your own, there are always online courses you can sign up for. Yes, you will have to invest some money in these, but keep in mind that they will eventually pay themselves off. You will get a tone of additional study material, and you will collaborate with experts that will help you understand each and every complex topic.

Online communities

Lastly, if you feel more comfortable studying with someone else, there are a lot of online forums and blogs where you will find people who are preparing for the same exam as you are. You can connect with other candidates to work together and help each other out. What’s more, this way you will also find experts and people who took this exam in the past, so you will get firsthand information.

About Lola Mays

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