In the information space, companies often wonder where to store their data. Most often, organizations place their data on their own or on leased servers. And each solution has its own positive and negative sides.
Why own a server – not always a profitable purchase? Is there a risk of leaking confidential information from a rented server? In what situations can you refuse to rent? Let’s look into it!
If you choose a rented server, the data will be on the server of the service provider, and you get personal online access to the information through a browser or third-party programs.
The main advantage of renting is saving time and money. Using cloud infrastructure involves no financial costs for the purchase of expensive software and the staff of system administrators. A rented server gives you a ready-made infrastructure, which does not require a long setup and configuration. The rented server is constantly updated to the latest version and you do not have to pay for updates or reinstallation of the platform.
The good thing about this solution is that wherever there will be an internet connection, you will have access to corporate information.
Another plus in the direction of cloud technology is its preservation. Since the provider backs up your data, 99 percent of the time your data will not be lost.
A competent service provider or an experienced specialist can help you decide on the choice, but we advise you to contact the company

Important points of the server rental
Whether server rentals are available for a test period. You will be able to check the real speed of the network connection, not the one advertised.
Find out whether a long-term server rental provides an additional discount. Many companies provide a discount of 10-20% if you pay a year in advance. The savings can be quite substantial.

How to choose the right server for rent?
First of all, you must determine from which country visitors come to your site. To do this, you need to install a script that tracks users, for example, from the Google Analytics service. If it turns out that your site is visited mainly by users from Ukraine, then it is better to place your server there. If your resource is designed for an English-speaking audience or it does not have any particular geographic focus, you can place it in the Western countries – the Netherlands, Germany or the United States. Abroad is also recommended to place their sites to those who want to avoid the risks associated with the peculiarities of the legislation of your state.
Be sure to clarify how much incoming and outgoing traffic is already included in the monthly rent, and how much you will have to pay separately. Otherwise, you may get an unpleasant surprise in the form of an additional bill for a large sum.
Choose the right configuration for your server. Try to get the most resources for the same money. The bigger the hard drive size, the better. Sites, files, and databases are constantly growing in size, and it’s better to choose a configuration that will still be relevant to you in a year or two. The hard disks should preferably be new rather than second-hand since their lifespan under high loads is rather limited.
Take care of the availability of free 24/7 technical support, especially if you do not have enough knowledge to administer the resource yourself or if your company does not have the appropriate specialist in the staff. Since most Internet projects work without weekends and lunch breaks, the technical support should be ready to help at any time, despite the holidays and breaks. Of course, there will always be projects for which this indicator will not be so important. But it is worth remembering that problems always occur at the wrong time. The only prompt reaction of qualified specialists can minimize business losses or help to restore serviceability. So we recommend everyone to focus on the indicator of technical support availability – 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

What is the advantage of renting a server?
Renting a server is considered a good alternative for those who need a huge amount of resources and power for their project, but do not have the ability or desire to purchase expensive equipment. Look for and train specialized staff, incur additional costs. In this sense, renting a server has many advantages. By ordering this service, the customer gets full control over the dedicated server, which gives him the opportunity to change settings and install different programs. Dedicated servers can be called the best solution for those projects, which lack the resources of virtual hosting.
One of the advantages of this service is that the client can work with a fully functional computer with administrator rights. He will control all processes, files and users in the system.
Ordering a dedicated server, you can count on a high level of security and isolation. The price of services includes technical support, as well as round-the-clock monitoring, which ensures its stable operation. This type of hosting service provides backup data, so if necessary, it is easy to restore.
Giving preference to renting a server, you can have on its power a huge number of domains. Ordering this service you can count not only on getting a separate computer, a huge amount of disk space and RAM, the ability to monitor and control many of the processes occurring in the system.