
How to Set Up Your Floor Standing Speakers

Floor standing speakers are essential if you want your home theatre or stereo sound system to have a powerful punch and blow out great music. If you are looking forward to grab one of the best floor standing speakers, then Entertheunderworld has got a great collection of it.

Sometimes known as tower speakers, these speakers are large, hefty, and take up a lot of room in the space. In multichannel sound systems, floor-standing speakers are called workhorses.

That’s because, without a set of the greatest floor-standing speakers, you won’t be able to create the sound system of your dreams. However, positioning these floor-standing speakers can be difficult.

It must be equitably spread across the room, based on the scale of the space, to ensure proper sound dispersion. Never, under any circumstances, set two speakers located close to each other, as this will result in an echo.

Any Hi-Fi system would be incomplete without speakers. You may either spend a lot of money on high-quality speakers that will last decades or save money by using cheaper ones. But whatever situation, maybe, if you don’t line them up correctly, you could end up wasting your money. You must make a concerted effort to position your speakers accurately. By great strides, the arrangement can significantly improve the listening experience.

Factors to consider while setting up these speakers in a room.


It’s worth noting that each room is unique. Because they are all built differently, the dynamics in each room are sure to be varied. Unless you’re creating a home theatre, your room’s sound experience is likely to be substandard.

The only freedom you have is to arrange the system to completely transform the area into an aural paradise. The setup for each area may alter, but the core rules remain the same.

To begin, you must comprehend the relationship between a room and its speakers. When you operate the speakers at a low-frequency range, the room’s proportions greatly impact the sound quality.

Border pressure is another variable that comes into play. This specifies how close the speakers are to the room’s edges.

Tuning them at a higher frequency, on the other hand, causes reflections. This is also depending on the speaker’s position in relation to the surroundings.

The type of material used for the floors and walls is also a consideration. Other objects in the room, such as chairs, cabinets, and so on, might also impact the performance.

Overall, each space has a different acoustic performance. You should know the fundamentals of acoustics and how effectively your room can accommodate them. This is because there are no hard and fast rules that adhere to every area; the complete process is simply subjective.

Placing the Floor Standing Speakers

  • Arrange your speakers so that they stream throughout the entire stretch of the room.
  • If you have a wide sound system, put the listening point in the center of the room then you can hear the audio system’s left and right channels.
  • Objects should not be put directly in front of the speakers. This creates audio degradation.
  • Pick speakers which aren’t too tall or too short. When you take a seat at the listening position, they must be at the same level as your ears.
  • A pad placed beneath the floor standing speakers will keep them from shaking and disrupting your music.
  • To avoid bouncing, provide some distance between your speakers and your sidewalls.
  • Don’t line them up perfectly parallel to one another. Arrange them so that they face the area where you’ll be listening.

Setting Up Floor Standing Speakers


Trying to set them up, yet again, depends on the characteristics of the room you occupy. Generally speaking, the best possible outcomes are obtained by following the following principles:

  • Golden Rectangle Rule

Set the speakers away as far as possible from the back and sidewalls. Consequently, boundary crowding may occur, resulting in poor bass performance. As a rule of thumb is to keep them 3 feet away from the front wall.

Also, try to position the speaker so that the gap between the speaker and the closest sidewall is 1.6 times the length between the speaker and the front wall. Follow the inverse principle if your room is broader than it is long.

This implies the distance between your front and side walls must be 1.6 times the distance between them.

Position the speakers at a 30 ° angle once they’ve been placed to the correct point. The speakers should be positioned so that they face the listening point.

Keep in mind that accuracy is essential in this situation. Arrange the sofa or listening area so that the two-floor standing speakers are triangular. To be more precise, use a ruler or a tape measure.

  • One-Third to One-Fifth Rule

Another good strategy is to position the speakers to be one-third or one-fifth of the way across the room. Standing waves and distortions are reduced as a result of this. Keep following the golden rectangle rule after that.

  • Trial and Error

The best advice is to try as many different positions as possible until you figure out what works best. Whereas these principles may perform well for some, others may have garbled audio once more. It is a suggestion to play around with the distances and angles as much as possible.

Continue to evaluate the speakers and analyze their performance before you select the optimal location, even if it means breaking the rules. Note that, although room size, form, and décor are important factors in excellent sound quality, the listener’s choice is even more important. If you want your bass to feel one certain way, choose a position that allows it to do so.

Final Words


Getting your speakers in the right place can help you reach musical bliss. Finally, keep in mind that there have been no hard and fast rules and that the positioning is open to interpretation. Nonetheless, this setup and guidelines tutorials can assist you in getting going.

Finally, now that you know how to set up your floor standing speakers – perhaps it is a good time to search for the ones that work best for you. There are multiple credible resources online with trustworthy product overviews and Crunch Reviews is one of them

About Lola Mays

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