
10 Things You Should Know Before Buying a Scanner

Buying a scanner for your business needs not be an overwhelming and confusing experience. As a buyer or a customer, if you are confident about what you are looking for in the scanner and from where to buy.

When you search for a new scanner, you may probably discover that your needs and budget are not met by the various functionalities offered by a traditional scanner. A lot relies on the additional needs of your business, such as data storage, updated software, and image hosting. Browse TheScannerShop where you are sure to come across the right scanner for your business purposes and well within your budget.

Here are some important aspects to keep in your mind when shopping for a scanner.

1. The business needs


As scanners can vary drastically in size, costs, and functionality, keep your business needs at priority and choose a scanner based on that. You may need a portable or desktop scanner that can fit comfortably in your daily business operations. As every scanner comes with 3- to 5-year warranties, you should do your research and get purchase a service contract to ensure that your business doesn’t suffer.

2. The size and space

Consider the size and space of the scanner before you pay for it. Some of the scanners can be drastically bulky and huge in size and may not sit comfortably on your desk or the workplace. So, you need to keep the size factor and the space available in your work area in mind when you go shopping. It is suggested to go for a compact scanner if the workspace is limited.

3. The bit depth and resolution


So, how many dots per inch (dpi) do you require for scanning to run your business? Some businesses need high resolution and detailed images, and you should pick a scanner with a higher dpi. The higher the bit depth, the better are the results. Typically, a dpi of 600-1200 and a depth ranging from 24-36 suffice the needs of most business operations. But there are businesses that need to scan records at a high resolution and in that case you will need a scanner with a higher dpi.

4. Check the speed and the feed

You should understand that scanners are often marketed based on their speed and feed. So, don’t be surprised if you come across a scanner brochure that reads- Can scan 5,000 pages per day! While the scanner may be able to scan that many pages, you will need to work 12 hours a day to scan that volume or numbers. Remembers that the scanners need a perfect work environment such as perfect papers and ideal work ambiance to deal with so many duty cycles. So, don’t get fooled by those numbers.

5. Evaluate the Software


Most buyers tend to ignore the software that runs the scanner as their focus is more on the hardware. Different scanners carry different software with various features/ The truth is that you may not even need some of those advanced features of the scanner software. So, make sure you evaluate the software to ascertain that it meets your needs and functions correctly with your computer.

You may have trouble scanning later if the scanner’s bundled software is not compatible with your workstation.

6. Flatbed scanner or a sheet-fed scanner

When searching for scanners, you will come across a flatbed scanner or a sheet-fed scanner. Flatbed scanners are more popular as they are flexible and produce better-quality images. Moreover, they allow one to scan books or magazines and are much more useful as compared to the sheet-fed scanner. The sheet-fed scanners are less expensive, can scan bulk amounts of paper but produce low-quality images. Opt for Flatbed scanners if there are no budget or space constraints.

7. The size of the documents


It is of utmost importance to know the size of documents you will be scanning and how many days on average. Invest in a scanner that can handle your needs and the kind of work you expect from it. Some scanners are designed specifically to handle A6 documents, while others carry special features to scan larger documents. Therefore, always keep the size of the documents to be scanned in perspective when buying a scanner.

8. Compatibility with the computer

Another important aspect to keep in mind is the compatibility with the computer when choosing a scanner. You need to check which models are compatible with the computer, and some of the scanners are compatible with both Windows and Mac. If you ignore those aspects, the chances are that your computer will not detect the scanner and that can impact the efficiency and productivity of your business. So, all hardware and software devices in your office need to be working correctly and in harmony.

9. Efficient working


If your business requires a robust document management system that relies on high volume and high quality of documents, then look for a high-speed machine. The scanners with advanced features are known to handle a larger number of sheets and scan them at an incredible speed. Keep in mind that any delay in scanning can cause a delay in your business operations and efficiency.

10. The costs

As different businesses are likely to have a different budget for the scanner, the cost factors have to be kept in mind. The more advanced a scanner, the bigger and costlier it would be. For example, a scanner with higher dpi and bit depth
will cost more. So, proceed ahead with a clear budget in mind before you start looking at the model, features, and make of the scanner and weigh all the pros and cons before settling for one.

As you can see that there is no one size fit all approach that works here. Consider a scanner that can meet all your document imaging needs and can produce quality images. Weigh the various features and functionalities that may come into play along with the costs.

About Maki Dalin

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