C Sharp, or better known as C#, is an object-oriented programming language used in many different applications. It has found its niche in solutions for Windows and mobile environments. This programming language also allows the implementation of server applications. However, it is suitable to program applications for distributed and embedded systems alike.
Like with any programming language, learning C# takes a lot of practice. Hence, it is normal to have problems in the beginning. But do not worry. You can get C# homework help from AssignmentCore and its expert programmers, for example, paying a fee to do your programming tasks. Eventually, with the help of a professional, you will be able to code in C# without any issues.
Fortunately for the programmer, C# compilers are quick to detect errors in the code. Unlike other programming languages, the errors in C# can be pinpointed accurately at an early stage. This is very useful since you do not waste time trying to debug your programs. However, many programmers do not exploit this feature to its full capacity.
This is the reason many errors are still committed while programming in C#. Thus, below we give the list of typical mistakes in C# programming. This list will help you to identify more easily a problem in your code. Most of the time, the error is one on the list.
Mistakes That Can Cause Problem in Software Development

Most of the errors in C# programming are made by inexperienced programmers. However, some developers are unaware of these issues, and they cause problems in software development projects. Hence, the following applies to both inexperienced and experienced C# programmers alike. Mobilunity can help with hiring experienced programmers, our company provides dedicated development teams for businesses all around the globe. Our model provides access to a talent pool of 160,000+ Ukrainian software engineers, all while allowing the client to remain in complete control of their development process.
- Some programmers commonly use string concatenation when they should use StringBuilder instead. This is a mistake because when the string increases in size, so does the occupied memory. This happens because whatever is added to the string requires a new memory address. But not only, but also the resulting string (with the addition) is copied to a new memory location. On the other hand, StringBuilder is much more efficient since it does not change the location of the original string. It just appends the additions. This is highly efficient;
- Many programmers make the mistake of searching for some elements with “Where.” However, they utilize the “First” method together with this search, which can create an exception. For instance, if the elements are not found, the return value will not exist and an exception will occur. This can be easily avoided by using the “FirstOrDefault” method instead. This way, if the elements are not found, the return value will be the default one;
- When you cast objects, use “as (T)” instead of simply “(T).” This may not be a source of a problem in most cases. However, in the unlikely case that an object is not castable, using “as (T)” will save you some problem;
- Many programmers do not use mappers when they rewrite properties. You may think you do not need mapping to rewrite some lines of code. However, not using mapping may be a source of errors;
- When you throw an exception you should use simply “throw” instead of “throw ex.” The latter option can lead to a loss of log data. That would make debugging the application much more difficult;
- Another common mistake is forgetting the keyword “using” for disposing objects. You probably are used to applying this keyword when you want to add namespaces. However, if you want to dispose the object, use the keyword “using.” Otherwise, you cannot be sure whether the object was disposed;
- Many programmers still use the “foreach” loop when they need to perform iteration on a structure. This is fine with a collection, for example. But for an array, the “for” loop is way more efficient;
- One common mistake among inexperienced C# programmers use too many DB calls. Of course, you need to use a DB call to retrieve or save data. But using so many calls is not practical. You must reduce the number of DB calls using different programming techniques.

These are the most common mistakes in C# programming. There are many more. It is normal to make mistakes while programming. It is inevitable, so do not feel bad if you make them. Some mistakes can indeed delay a software development project. But the best you can do is to learn from them. Hence, use the above list as a guideline to avoid the most common mistakes. If you make one of them, try not to repeat it.
After all, making mistakes and learning from them is the way to become a senior C# developer. Practice and practice until you start making fewer mistakes. You will see the results over time. Do not be discouraged.